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A Tiny Slice of Life

I don't TikTok very well.

I barely get Snapchat.

I fumble my way through Facebook and Instagram just so that I can welcome new friends to the Page and Spoon circle. But the more time I spend on this giant and gently spinning orb we call Earth, the more it seems like humans are trying to cram jam more stuff into each second. Gone are the winding, wandering, wordy ways of Hemingway; now we're shoving quick, blinkety 30-second novels into a hot social media moment.

It's a large part of the reason why I chose to share myself with the world through a blog instead of Youtube. Through Page and Spoon, you're crossing the threshold into my wild brain, where Rule Number 36 demands that you slow down and read. Bring yourself into a repartee and a conversation rather than a passive absorption of a video-ed life. And even when the pace of my own life causes me to quicken the feet and move faster than I'd like, the very 'Page' part of my blog requires me to stop and curl up on a pretty regular basis with a good book.

But a few of you dear and long-time friends of the blog have told me you've been using Page and Spoon as a way to keep tabs on our life, and I'm tickled that we can keep in touch here. So here's a new endeavor that might be interesting for both of us. I've been loosely experimenting with this app called 1 Second Every Day as an unconventional way of documenting thin slices of my life with minimal effort.

I'm endlessly bemused by the way these young whippersnappers share their entire world in ten-second increments. So as an extreme parody of this generational trend, and to welcome far-off friends who I wish were closer, I wanted to share some one- to two-second snippets of life.

I confess, I haven't really thought it through yet. Like 'Will friends and family stop hanging out with me because they'll be afraid of showing up in one of the seconds?' Or 'How many times can I possibly show us munching on snacks while watching Full House? That's just embarrassing!'

Plus, I know there's a lot of life context lost in those teeny slices, and it's unthinkable to tell the backstories of them all (though I wish I could, and as long as Page and Spoon lives, I'll be sure to try). But the older I get, the more I look back and wish I could have preserved more of those precious moments in a reviewable way. I've been loathe to admit it, but this website, which was just supposed to be a documentation of my reading and eating life, has become a place for me to save small moments and let my brain loose a little. In fact, here's a quick preview -

Easy, right? If that's not really your thing, that's all right. I'll still be back here with more blog posts if you'd be willing to come back for a gander. And if you're really more about the books and food, don't worry. We'll still talk books and food. They're still some my favorite parts of this Earth journey, and there will always be a place for those things on Page and Spoon.

But we'll chat about other things from time to time. I hope that's okay.

If it's not, I'll just distract you with this darling video of a duckling imprinting on James while I steal away with your forgiveness.

© 2022 Page and Spoon. All rights reserved. 

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