Jun 6, 2022Yet Tuh 옛터 (Doraville, GA)After nearly two years of patient searching for solid, authentic Korean food in Atlanta, we finally made our way to Yet Tuh.
Jun 1, 2022Chido & Padre's (Atlanta, GA)If you're ever on the hunt for strong beverage, ask a teacher. No one understands the palliative effect of a hefty drink like a teacher...
May 23, 2022Ben's Crab & Seafood Bar In the very first restaurant post, I confessed my great and overflowing love for fried calamari. I've never been able to quite nail down...
Apr 24, 2022Cioppino at Betty Lou’s (San Francisco)While James and I had a long weekend off from school, we hopped on a plane to San Francisco, one of my favorite cities. Why, you ask? I...
Feb 17, 2022Murphy's (Atlanta, GA)Nor can I share a picture of my elegant flute of mango mimosa. It had too perfect a blend of sweetness and sparkle to wait for a camera.
Feb 5, 2022SnackBoxe Bistro (Doraville, GA)With tons of herbs and vegetables, I had fun with the unfamiliar and made a mental game of trying to tease out all the textures.