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A Teacher Becomes a Student Again


For most of my adult life, I've been an elementary science teacher. It was the greatest seventeen years of my life - to get down in the dirt, peer into microscopes, and ask the Earth all kinds of questions with my brilliant young scientists. But after nearly two decades in the classroom, I took a break (with my husband's blessing) to do as my students do, and learn. 


Thus, I become a student again. 


As a child, I never remembered school as a fun place to be. I was often confused, bored, and lost in the shuffle of a large classroom. So from my first days as a teacher, my secret mission was to make sure my students would never find themselves in my old shoes. I spent years wanting to make sure the time students spent learning in my space would be fun, curiousity-provoking, and challenging. Now, I'm finally getting an opportunity to do that for myself. 


This blog became a space where I would chronicle that learning journey. I named the blog Page and Spoon, believing books and food to be my only loves. But as I got further into my learning year, I started collecting new hobbies, interests, wonderings, and moments of risk-taking. Learning French for the first time in my life. Taking and editing photos. Figuring out how to ask good questions and dealing with all the inevitable failures along the way.


It's been amazing to connect (and re-connect!) with so many friends through this blog. Whether you're a new friend or old, I'm grateful you're here! 


         xo, Jane       


© 2022 Page and Spoon. All rights reserved. 

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